
Robert Mafes


Robert Mafes has worked in the HVAC business for more than 25 years. He has been the owner of Global Cooling, LLC for the last ten years. Global Cooling gets an A+ from the Better Business Bureau. Robert was born and raised in Hawaii. After he graduated from high school, he went to work in the HVAC industry.


As of 2012, Global Cooling has grown steadily, with average annual revenue growth of 5 percent. Global Cooling is run by a family and has more than a century of experience in the HVAC service industry. Mr. Mafes puts customer service and help at the top of his priorities. This has led to a company culture where clients' needs are met no matter what HVAC problems they are having. Global Cooling is a company that works in central Florida.

Robert is now a member of the board of directors of the North Florida Air Conditioning Contractors Association, which is one of his professional groups. Also, his company was in the Best Home Guide of 2018. Global Cooling has been a popular way to heat and cool for a long time. All of the services that Global Cooling offers are done on time, are reliable, and are priced fairly. Robert is very happy with the AC installation services that Global Cooling offers. This is the first step the company takes to make sure its customers are happy.

Central Florida residents use Global Cooling's air conditioning installation services. Robert's team is made up of highly trained and experienced experts in AC installation. They know exactly what people need and what will work best in each situation because they have been there and done that before. That's a big part of why they can help so many people so fast and well.

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